Thursday, August 12, 2010

Though the United States of America is currently experiencing some difficulties financially, we are still the most blessed nation on earth. And we are a very giving, generous people -- or at least we used to be.
I am stunned to see a subsection of our society who are being over-looked when it comes to receiving at least the basic minimum needs most of us enjoy. When I see so many young people today who cannot afford, and their parents obviously cannot afford, clothing that properly fits, I am embarrassed to be called an American. How could we have arrived at a point in our existence as a society where the needs of these unfortunate youngsters is so casually dismissed? One assumes that they are wearing the clothing that was previously worn by older brothers/sisters, now being passed down to them. But these kids need an identity of their own, don't they? They need to feel that they belong to some group which they can call their own. Having to wear such shabby, ill-fitting pants -- pants that hang so low that their boxer shorts are showing -- surely dooms them to being outsiders, unable to fit in with their peers. Something needs to be done about this, and now!
I call upon all those who read this to please consider your own blessings, find it in your heart to care, and consider donating some properly fitting pants to these young people. Show them that they are not forgotten. Show them that America is still the land of generosity. And show them that they can fit in, belong, and be part of something. Remember, these kids are our future. Let that future be fitting for everyone.